Taping Kinesio & McConnell
Taping is commonly used as an adjunct or temporary technique. Athletes often make use of taping as a protective mechanism in the presence of an existing injury. Some of the goals with taping are to restrict the movement of injured joints, soft tissue compression to reduce swelling.
Taping to Heal the Right Way
Kinesiology taping has been used since the 1970s to help specific injuries in patients who want to try something nontraditional.
In its most basic form, the tape can be used to reduce swelling, give you more support and stability, and manage scar tissue and pain, among other benefits.
There are two popular techniques for taping in the physical therapy world. And, like most things, there are pros and cons for each. Here is a quick rundown of each method and who might benefit from them.

McConnell Taping
McConnell taping involves bracing and taping using extremely rigid tape. It’s commonly used for shoulder, lumbar, foot, and hip issues. This type of taping is usually left on for no more than 18 hours due to the fact that it may begin to feel suffocating or constricting. McConnell taping is best for neuromuscular conditions.
Kinesio Taping
Much like McConnell taping, Kinesio taping assists with the body’s natural healing process. This technique helps to activate the muscles and tissues using a flexible elastic tape. This can be used to improve circulation to relieve pain.

Do You Have an Injury? Kinesio Taping Can Help
Kinesio taping can help you find relief!
Have you suffered from an injury or condition that is affecting your everyday life? Pain can sometimes be so debilitating that it makes daily tasks much more difficult than they used to be.
That is why we, Integrity Therapy Group, offer such treatments to help alleviate pain, promote healing, increase strength and range of motion, and most importantly, get you back to comfortably living your normal life.
Physical therapy and Kinesio taping
Kinesio taping has helped many of our patients get back to comfortably living their daily lives, without any lingering pain or stiffness.
At Integrity Therapy Group, our therapists will provide the very best Kinesio treatments to assist you in reaching that same outcome.
At your initial appointment, our physical therapist will perform a thorough evaluation, which will determine if Kinesio taping will be an effective option for your treatment plan.
If so, our physical therapist will explain how it will benefit your journey toward recovery and the step-by-step process that you will go through to get there.

How can it benefit me?
Our physical therapists will implement a variety of exercises and modalities into their treatment plans, based on your specific needs.
This treatment is among these modalities, used to improve your mobility and provide support to your muscles, joints, and tendons.
Our physical therapist will perform this treatment by placing the strips of tape on the affected area of your body, as well as any other places where you may be experiencing pain or stiffness.
If you think you could benefit from this treatment, request an appointment at Integrity Therapy Group today!
So, how does Kinesio taping work?
Kinesio taping works by doing a few important things for your body. It helps reset the circuitry in the affected part of your body by correcting any faulty interactions between the skin and muscles, joints, and tendons underneath. This results in improved muscle strength and activity.
Kinesio taping also works by blocking any pain receptors being sent to your brain. If those painful messages aren’t being received, the muscles in the affected area will loosen up and the likelihood of spasms will significantly decrease.
Pain constricts an affected area, but if the pain is taken away, there suddenly becomes more freedom for blood flow and movement.